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It is the green heart of the Group. Acquired in 2001, the dual A24 (Rome – L’Aquila – Teramo) and A25 (Torano – Avezzano – Pescara) motorways cross five natural oasis, including national and regional parks, and consolidate the entrepreneurial presence of Toto in Abruzzo and Lazio. This is the only direct motorway connection between the Adriatic Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea, which winds along a mountain route marked by the most impressive peaks of the Apennine chain, between castles, gorges and villages of incomparable charm.
The complex geography of the territory also makes it the ideal place for bold infrastructural solutions, such as the Gran Sasso Tunnel (the longest entirely Italian road tunnel, with its 10 km double-barrel tunnel) and the winding viaducts of Bussi – 2.6 km long – and Pietrasecca – 1.9 km long double-track suspended at a height of over 100 metres. A series of “works of art” and historical and natural beauties that make it one of the most precious jewels of the Italian motorway network, entrusted to the expert hands of the Toto Group, a guarantee of substantial investment and high standards of infrastructure maintenance.