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Casalduni Wind Farm

  • Place: Diruggio-Mastarzo-PIP-Collemarino-Fortunato-Zincolella-Acquaro – Municipalities of Casalduni and Pontelandolfo (BN)
  • Total production: 126.400 MWh/Year

In March 2016, the Campania Region authorized the company Parco Eolico Casalduni House – PECH srl, a subsidiary of Renexia SpA, to the construction and operation of a wind farm of total power of 36 MW. Later, in November 2019, PECH was authorized the reduction of the total power to 34,65 MW due to wind turbine change. The wind farm will be located in Diruggio-Mastarzo-PIP-Collemarino-Fortunato-Zincolella-Acquaro in the Municipalities of Casalduni and Pontelandolfo in the province of Benevento.

Description: The plant, whose the construction phase is estimated in September 2020, foresees the installation of 10 Siemens-Gamesa wind turbines with a capacity of 3,465 MW each and will be able to produce about 126.400 MWh/year of electricity.