Motorway A24 – Complanari di Roma

  • Client: Strada dei Parchi S.p.A.
  • Work cost: € 205.445.732

Making traffic flow smoother in a key point to enter and exit Rome, thus improving the lives of motorists who travel daily  along the urban stretch of the A24, the motorway segment that leads to the heart of the city. This was the aim of the project completed by Toto Costruzioni in 2015, which envisaged the realization of a coplanar road network for the A24 motorway, from Viale Palmiro Togliatti to the Roma Est railway station.

A complex job in an area of ​​Rome that has experienced rapid urban and commercial development during recent years. The coplanar has a total length of about 14 km and includes; 14 viaducts (for a total of 2,800 m) made of steel-concrete mixed-section decks and beams in prestressed reinforced concrete, the junction of the Grande Raccordo Anulare and 9 overpasses, as well as a series of works such as underpasses, manholes, walls in reinforced earth and concrete, road service works. A second intervention was the redevelopment of restraint devices and signs in the stretch between Casal Bertone and the Roma Est station.

A particularity of this work was the use of “zero-kilometre” materials. In order to reduce transport times and costs to the minimum, a prefabrication plant was built near Tivoli for the production of beams in prestressed reinforced concrete and other prefabricated elements used for this project.