- Place: Ponte Albanito – Municipality of Foggia (FG)
- Total production: 55.800 MWh/Year
In October 2011, the Puglia Region issued the Authorization to the construction and operation of a wind farm with a total capacity of 22,8 MW and to carry out the related connection works to the National Transmission Grid. The wind farm is located in Foggia in the area called Ponte Albanito.
Description: The plant, consisting of 8 General Electric wind turbines with a power of 2,85 MW each, produces approximately 55.800 MWh/year of electricity which corresponds to the energy needs of approximately 18.600 families each year. The wind farm came into operation on May 29th, 2014 and in January 2015 was sold to CVA – Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque S.p.