Maryland Offshore Wind Project

In 2014 USWind, a company founded in 2011 and fully owned by Renexia SpA, was awarded, through an auction launched by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), a lease of 80.000 acres of water, roughly 17 miles from the coast of Ocean City, for the development of an Offshore wind farm of variable power based on the type and technical characteristics of the wind turbines will be installed.

  • Location: Maryland – roughly 17 miles the coast of Ocean City
  • Total production: 5.325 GWh/Year

In 2017, the same company won a tender promoted by the State of Maryland for the financial support for Offshore projects in the form of offshore wind renewable energy credits (OREC). The Maryland Public Service Commission has awarded USWind a $ 1,4 billion contract for 20 years for the production of approximately 914.000 MWh/year of electricity from renewable Offshore wind power.

Description: The complete project, which will be implemented on the entire leasehold area, is one of the largest Offshore wind farm in the United States and will exploit the extensive international USWind experience to create a sustainable local footprint in the Maryland economy. A series of wind turbines will be installed in 20-30 meters of water, on over 80.000 acres, for an installable power of up to 1500 MW and a maximum total production of approximately 5.325 GWh/year. A substation will collect the energy from the turbines and transport it to shore using underwater cables. During its lifetime the project will contribute to economic development, jobs, and environmental sustainability. By 2024 USWind will provide energy to approximately 450.000 Maryland families.